Helping you with probate
Eaves Funeral Service is working with the National Bereavement Service (NBS), a not-for-profit organisation, to assist and support customers and their families. NBS provides practical advice post funeral to help when dealing with legal issues, many of which may be unfamiliar.
Probate is a legal term which means the official proving of a will. You ‘apply for probate’ to have the legal right to deal with someone’s land, property, money and possessions, in other words their ‘estate’.
If the person that has passed away has made a will, they will have appointed an Executor, and may have even identified a legal firm to deal with the probate. Fortunately in most cases the process is simple and straightforward. We can help if you need guidance on DIY probate. If there is no will it can be a little more complicated and the will is resolved according to the Rules of Intestacy.

How to apply
To apply for probate you make the application to the Probate Registry and this gives the Executors named in the application the authority to act in the administration of the estate of the deceased. There are a number of stages to go through when dealing with the administration process and it can vary depending on where you are in the UK.
NBS can help guide you through all of this, call them free on 0800 0246 121 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm or visit them at www.theNBS.org where you’ll find more useful information.
Useful links:
Intestacy – Who inherits when there is no will?
Dealing the estate of someone who has died
We can assist you in every step of the funeral and cremation arrangements so please ask us about any queries you may have.
Our pricing
Funeral prices vary depending on the type of ceremony you would like for your loved one. There are many options to choose from to make it unique and special.
Planning ahead?
It is now really easy to plan ahead, making a huge difference by easing the burden on your family when the time comes, so they can focus on the arrangements.
Need advice?
Eaves Funeral Service can assist you in every step of the funeral so please don’t hesitate to ask us about any aspects or queries you may have.
Choose a prepaid funeral plan

Choice Funeral plans enable you to arrange and pay for your Funeral Director Services in advance, which could provide peace of mind to you and your family.
See plansFuneral Notice, Donations and Tribute Service

View funeral notices and tributes to your loved one and leave a donation in their memory
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